HDX Frame Calculator

Significant savings with the HDX Fiber Optic Distribution Frame
Fill in the blanks below to calculate how much money and data center space you can save by installing the HDX Frame in your Main Distribution Area (MDA). We'll help you generate a business case for the HDX Frame, showing the return on infrastructure investment over a five-year span.

First: What is the cost per square foot for your data center space?


*Average cost is $50 (Gartner Research)

Then: What is the number of usable RU for your traditional MDA?

The typical cabinet is 42U but often 36U are used.

What is the square footage for your traditional MDA? Please enter data for one of the following:*

Enter a value for Space per Cabinet width in Inches
Add a value for Space per Cabinet depth in inches

- or -

To determine your rack square footage, multiply your rack width and depth, and divide by 144. For example, a standard rack is 36 inches by 48 inches (32*48/144=10.67).

A Traditional Rack is 10.67 square feet.

Now: For each zone in your data center, use the fields below to enter the number of cabinets or devices, and the number of channels per that aggregate to your MDA.

The term Zone refers to specific areas or equipment within your data center which connects directly to your MDA. Examples include HDA, SAN, or Tape.

Disclaimer:The estimated cost savings amount provided is for informational purposes only. Individual results may vary. The estimated cost savings information provided creates no contractual obligations or rights against Leviton, its agents or employees, and Leviton disclaims any liability in connection with the estimated cost savings. Contact your Leviton Sales Representative to discuss actual cost savings.

* Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

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